Henrik Isaksson Garnell: Un-plugged
28.01.2011 – 26.03.2011
İsveçli sanatçı Henrik Isaksson Garnell‘in Un-plugged ve PollY serilerinden toplam 12 fotoğrafının yer aldığı İstanbul’daki ilk sergisi 28 Ocak 2011’den itibaren SODA’da.
Ancak bilimkurgu filmlerinde rastlayabileceğiniz; ahtapot, patlıcan, iskelet gibi doğal oluşumları, kablo ve tellerle birleştirerek meydana getirdiği bu “yeni tür”leri fotoğraflayan sanatçının yaptığı özgün bir heykeli ve video çalışması da sergide yeralacak.
Küratör ve sanat tarihçisi Nina Grundemark, yıldızı hızla parlayan genç sanatçıyı şu sözlerle tanımlıyor: “İsveçli fotoğraf sanatçısı Henrik Isaksson Garnell, fotoğraflarında bilim ve doğayı bir araya getiriyor. Manipüle edilmiş bu çalışmalarla Stokholmlu 24 yaşındaki bilimadamı ruhlu genç sanatçı bir fotoğrafçıdan öte, adeta bir mucit, heykeltraş ve sanat vizyoneri. Varolan sıradan nesneleri fotoğraflamak yerine, onları tümüyle değiştirerek, tekrar şekillendirerek, yeni canlı türler meydana getiriyor.
Isaksson Garnell’in gündelik cansız nesnelere hayat verip yepyeni türlere dönüştürdüğü, ürpertici ancak aynı zamanda büyüleyici bir güzelliğe sahip çalışmalarını 26 Mart 2011’e kadar SODA’da görebilirsiniz.
Röportaj ve bilgi taleplerinizi press@sodaistanbul.com‘a iletebilirsiniz.
Swedish artist Henrik Isaksson Garnell exhibits 12 photographs from his series Un-plugged and PollY at SODA.
Also included in the exhibition is a video installation, as well as, an original sculpture that the artist made combining natural organisms like octopus, eggplant and skeleton with cables and wires creating “new life forms” that could easily be from a sci-fi movie.
Curator and art historian Nina Grundemark describes this young and highly successful artist as follows: “The Swedish photographer Henrik Isaksson Garnell captures images that combine science and nature. The manipulated images make the 24-year-old part artist, part mad scientist. The Stockholm-based artist is more than just a photographer. He is a talented inventor, sculptor, and art visionary. Instead of taking photographs of ordinary items found in nature, he distorts them and creates entirely new life forms.
Isaksson Garnell brings life to everyday inanimate objects. He sculpts them to build an entirely new life form; the pieces manage to be simultaneously creepy and beautiful. It’s as though you have a front seat to the experiments of a creative scientist and that these objects should be viewed in a lab, rather than as an image. As one views Isaksson Garnell’s work as a whole, you cannot help but notice that there is an “otherworldly” aspect to it. The end result is due to the expertly balanced mix of the psychedelic meeting science fiction. He is staging daydreams and nightmares, he moves between surrealism and concretism to reach his aesthetic: “nature meets technology”.
Isaksson Garnell works like a composer, he searches for irritating mistakes that can bring his art to a new level. Mistakes with a certain tune or noise, repeating it self in such a way that it creates music. His work can evoke a kind of “trippy” feeling, yet the artists’ restraint is what successfully seals each image as a masterpiece. Isaksson Garnell’s sculptures create so much more than a picture.”
For further information or interview requests please contact: press@sodaistanbul.com