Miru Kim is a New York-based artist who has explored various urban ruins and hidden spaces such as abandoned subway stations, tunnels, sewers, catacombs, factories, rooftops and shipyards. Such experiences are expressed through the photographs, videos and texts which have been the main focus of the artist’s work in recent years. For the project “Naked City Spleen”, Kim has photographed herself in Seoul, New York, Paris, Berlin, Philadelphia, Montreal and London, and continued the project in Istanbul for one month. These forgotten spaces, once within the city’s routine, are now abandoned and left to seclusion. They revisit our visual memories with the interpretation of Kim, who uses her own body to animate and humanize these spaces.
Kim was featured as one of America’s Best and Brightest 2007 in Esquire magazine, and her recent TED talk has been viewed widely all over the world. Her work has been spotlighted in various other media such as The New York Times, The Financial Times, NY Arts Magazine, ARTE France, Ovation TV, Time Out New York, PopPhoto.com, The Korea Daily, La Stampa, Berlingske Tidende, VanityFair.de, and Dong-A Daily. Public collections of her work include Leeum, Samsung Museum of Art.
Miru Kim was born in Stoneham, Massachusetts in 1981 and was raised in Seoul, Korea. She moved back to Massachusetts in 1995 to attend Phillips Academy in Andover, and moved to New York City in 1999 to attend Columbia University. In 2006, she received an MFA in painting from Pratt Institute.
Çalışmalarını New York’ta sürdüren Miru Kim, terkedilmiş metro istasyonu, tünel, kanalizasyon, yeraltı mezarı, fabrika, hastane ve tersane gibi kent harabelerini gezip, seçtiği mekanlarda kendisini çıplak olarak görüntülüyor. Fotoğraf, video ve yazı olarak belgelenen bu deneyim, Kim’in son yıllardaki çalışmalarının merkezinde yer alıyor. Miru Kim, bugüne kadar Seul, New York, Paris ,Berlin, ve Londra gibi şehirlerden sonra İstanbul’da da gerçekleştirdiği Naked City Spleen Istanbul projesi için, bir ay boyunca şehrin terkedilmiş mekanlarında kendisini görüntüledi.
Miru Kim, Esquire dergisinde America’s Best and Brightest 2007 (Amerika’nın En İyi ve En Parlağı 2007) listesinde yer almıştır. Çalışmaları The New York Times, TED.com, The Financial Times, NY Arts Magazine, ARTE France, Ovation TV, Time Out New York, PopPhoto.com, The Korea Daily, La Stampa, Berlingske Tidende, VanityFair.de, ve Dong-A Daily gibi çeşitli basın yayınlarında yer almıştır. Leeum, Samsung Museum of Art gibi kamusal koleksiyonlarda çalışmaları bulunmaktadır.